Monday, January 23, 2012

Bloom wherever you are planted

I was conversing with friends over breakfast this morning about how conferences sometimes make me confused. I explained that being with a group of believers--who came together specifically for worshiping and praying--makes me feel like this is what I was created for and long for. It makes me wonder if I still have the passion for dentistry and question why I continue to pursue it. [9yrs of college without an actual degree to show for it can get discouraging at times.]
I have always felt like God had called me to the marketplace. Infact, I often tell people that I feel that it was God who put this desire inside of me for the dental field. And yet, sometimes I feel like I should be doing something better, something greater, since life is so short and time is running out. I've looked into Bible school a few times and even thought about pursuing writing, but I always come back to dentistry as a career and writing as the spirit within me compels me.
It is true that we were created to worship, and that God placed eternity in our hearts, but He also placed giftings, skills, and passions uniquely inside of us to equip us for our life here on earth for the area which he called us to and the sphere of people around us.
I got home from the conference today and found this e-mail (see below). Thank You, Lord, for always bringing clarity. You are not a god of confusion, but of sound mind, understanding and confirmation.

[sidenote] I do still think that Bible school would be a good thing for me because of my inquisitive mind and desire to know Him more...but all in due time :)


Masquerading as a Dentist

TGIF Today God Is First Volume 2, by Os Hillman


"For you died, and your life is now hidden with Christ in God. When Christ, who is your life, appears, then you also will appear with him in glory" (Col 3:2-4).

Hello, my name is Dr. Bengel. "I am a Christian, masquerading as a dentist. What is your name?" I laughed as I met this man for the very first time. He was boldly proclaiming that He wanted to be known by who he was in Christ instead of who he was in his occupation.

If Christ is Lord over all of life, then He must be Lord over work, too. Our identity must be wrapped up in who we are, not just what we do. "Whatever we do for work, we should do it in the name of the Lord Jesus" (Col 3:17), that is, with a concern for His approval and in a manner that honors Him.

The Spirit empowers us to live and work with Christ-likeness. Christ gives the Holy Spirit to help us live in a way that pleases Him that has enormous implications for how we do our jobs.

God values our work even when the product has no spiritual value. A common measure of the significance of a job is its perceived value from the eternal perspective. Will the work "last"? Will it "really count" for eternity? The assumption is that God values work for eternity, but not work for the here and now. This is not a biblical truth, but heresy. Keep in mind the following when you are tempted to deem secular work as second-class Christianity.

-God Himself has created a world which is time-bound and temporary (2 Pet. 3:10-11).

-God promises rewards to people in everyday jobs, based on their attitude and conduct (Eph. 6:7, 9; Col. 3:23, 4:1).

-God cares about the everyday needs of people as well as their spiritual needs. He cares whether people have food, clothing, shelter, and so forth.

-God cares about people, who will enter eternity. To the extent that a job serves the needs of people, He values it because He values people.*

Your work does matter to God. You are called to first to be a Christian, but masquerading as a doctor,
 lawyer, construction worker, secretary, or whatever.


*Adapted from Study notes from the Word In Life Study Bible, copyright 1993, 1996, by Thomas Nelson, Inc. All rights reserved. Used by permission. The study notes from the Word In Life Study Bible appearing at this web site are for personal use only.

Today God Is First (TGIF) devotional message, Copyright by Os Hillman, Marketplace Leaders.

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